Monday, April 13th 2020 (Entregar para el viernes, 17 de abril)
1.Read pages 38 and 39 of your Science book ( acordaos de que si no tenéis el libro, tenéis estas páginas escaneadas más abajo en el blog en la tarea del 17 de marzo) to answer to the following questions:
2. Do the following worksheet ONLINE and send it to me:
3. Pond ecosystems:
a. Look at the picture of a POND ECOSYSTEM:
- Biotope: sand, soil, rocks, light, temperature, fresh water,...
- Biocoenosis: animals, bushes, grass, lilies, plants, microorganisms,...
b. Watch the video ( por lo menos dos veces) in this link:
Here is the reading corresponding to the video(esta lectura corresponde a lo que se dice en el vídeo. Leerla otras dos veces):
Pond Ecosystem
Let's pretend it's a hot summer day, and you're standing at the edge of a pond. As you look around, you see many different plants and grasses. You hear sounds of birds calling, crickets chirping, and frogs croaking. You look in the water. Plants are floating on the water, and birds are diving down to catch their next meal. You look a bit deeper and see fish swimming by. Pond ecosystems are full of activity and life.
Ponds are small bodies of still, or not moving, fresh water that are surrounded by land. Fresh water means that there is no salt in the water like there is in the ocean. Some ponds are formed naturally, and others are man-made, or built by humans. Ponds are generally not very deep.
An ecosystem is a system that's made up of living organisms, such as plants, animals, trees, and insects. It's also made up of non-living things, such as the weather, soil, sun, climate, and atmosphere. Both the living and non-living things interact with one another and depend on one another to survive.
Animals & Plants in an Ecosystem
In order for a pond ecosystem to be successful, it must have a balance of different plants and animals so there is enough food for them all to live and reproduce, or have babies. The food chain begins with the help of sunshine. Sun helps plants make food and shelter for the animals. Plant-eating animals called herbivores, such as tadpoles, ducks, and beavers, eat the phytoplankton, which is a plant. Carnivores are meat-eating animals, such as fish and frogs, who eat the herbivores.
c. Complete the following gaps with information from the text (todas las respuestas están en el texto. Búscalas y completa)
2. Both, ________________ and ____________________things ______________ and depend on one another to survive.
3. Ponds are small ____________ of ______________( not moving) _____________ water surrounded by _____________. Fresh water means there is no ___________like there is in the ocean.
4. In ponds, you can see plant-eating animals or ______________ such as ____________, ___________or ______________ that eat the _______________ that is a plant. Carnivores such as _____________ and _______________ eat the herbivores.
5. Ponds are full of _______ and _________.
d. Answer the following questions about the information in the video and the reading:
(Usando el vídeo y la lectura de arriba que se corresponde al contenido del vídeo, responde a las siguientes preguntas. Recuerda encontrar la respuesta en la lectura. Léelo al menos dos veces y si hay algo que no entiendas puedes fijarte en las imágenes del vídeo o usar un diccionario. Recuerda que no necesitas conocer el significado de todas las palabras.)
Monday, March 23rd 2020
As you all know, on March 22nd , WORLD WATER DAY was celebrated.
Below, you have a brief and easy text to read about this celebration:
(éste es un pequeño resumen de cada párrafo)
WE ALL NEED WATER: about the percentage of water in our bodies and the different uses.
THE TRUTH ABOUT WATER: a lot of people don´t have clean water to live.
BUT WHAT DOES IT MEAN: what are the consequences of not having clean water?
WATER FOR EVERYONE: what activities are organized on March 22nd and what for (para qué)?
1. With information from the reading and from exercise 1, fill in the diagram below:
2. How can we save water? Read and learn:
3. Do the following exercises:
Wednesday, March 25th 2020
2. Watch the video about WATER POLLUTION:
3. After watching the video, look at the pictures and write the name of six causes of water pollution.
Tuesday, March 17th 2020
Esto es trabajo para toda la semana. El lunes, más y así seguimos un poquito los horarios de clase. Todos lo podéis hacer poquito a poco y si alguien tiene alguna duda, aquí estoy para responder por correo electrónico.
1. Watch the video of Dr. Binoc´s again.
2. Read p. 38 and 39 of your classbook and try to complete the HYPERTEXTO. (Adjunto también las respuestas, pero intentad hacerlo solitos primero y repetirlo varias veces después de comprobar las respuestas)
3. Page 39, exercises 2, 3 a and b.
4. Say true or false and correct the incorrect sentences:
- In an ecosystem, the non-living things are not important. _____________
- A community is a group of animals of different species that live together. _________
- A population of ducks can include different species of ducks. _______
- The biotope is all the non-living things in an ecosystem. ___________
- The biocoenosis is all the living things in an ecosystem. ________
- Animals of the same species have intraspecific relationships. ________
- Animals of different species have interspecific relationships._________
Saludos y espero vuestros trabajitos.
Monday, March 16th 2020:
Do you remember the video about ecosystems we watched in class?
Try and answer the following questions about the topic:
1. What are the components of an ecosystem?
2. Name different ecosystems that appear in the video.
3. Ecosystems are formed by ABIOTIC elements that are: ________________, _______________, ______________, _____________________ and _________________ and BIOTIC elements that are: ___________________, ____________________, ____________________, _________________ and ________________________.
4. Think about a city and name BIOTIC and ABIOTIC components in that city.
5. What are the ROLES of the deer and the lion in an ecosystem (PREYS or PREDATORS)?
The deer is a __________.
The lion is a _____________.
All the answers are in the video. You can watch it several times if necessary.
Ana soy Maya, oye lo de science lo que hay que copiar lo copio en una hoja y luego lo pego en la libreta(es que no tengo la libreta ni el libro)😙😚😙😚😣😣😥😥
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